Our History
Established: 1997
In 1997, a group of local parents saw that there was little for kids to do in the hours and days when school was not in session, so they collaborated to fill the gap with a small summer day camp. The community response was strong, and they learned that enrichment programs like their camp do much more than keep kids busy: they are a critical factor in preventing a wide range of behaviors that keep kids from fulfilling their healthiest and best potentials. A group of volunteers quickly evolved into a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to developing a wide range of enrichment and prevention educations programs that help youth to achieve healthy lives. The organization's title described the scope and approach to prevention work: the Ouray County Schools Community Resource Consortium. You can probably guess, with an official name like that, why we do business as Voyager!

Today, all of our enrichment and prevention education programs remain focused on the same vision while aligning with the newest research. We make sure to do only what has proven to work in helping kids avoid at-risk behaviors. Our emphasis on substance prevention comes out of more than a decade of strong data. Every two years, Voyager assists in administering Healthy Kids Colorado Survey, a state version of the Center for Disease Control's national risk-behavior assessment tool. We know that youth in Ouray County live healthy lives in many ways, but for complex reasons, continue to have challenges around mental health which could lead to experimentation with alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Voyager's efforts are aimed squarely at addressing these behaviors. Through a combination of grants and private donations we manage to keep our program costs minimal for our community.

EIN: 84-1453650
REGISTERED NAME: Ouray County Schools Community Resource Consortium, Inc.
DBA: Voyager Youth Program