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Upcoming Events!



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Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
Feb 26-27th, 4-8pm
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Communities that Care

CTC of Ouray County engages the community to provide tools and opportunities for youth to build positive, healthy futures.

What is CTC? 

Communities that Care is a proven evidence-based system that fosters the reduction of youth violence, delinquency and substance abuse in communities. Communities That Care guides communities through a proven five-phase change process. Using prevention science as its base, CTC promotes healthy youth development, improves youth outcomes, and reduces problem behaviors.


CTC Timeline

What do we do? 

CTC is an ever evolving systems change process.  Our coalition works to organize, choose tested and effective programs, policies, and practices specific to their needs, and track progress over time through collaboration and youth engagement

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Positive Youth Development

Positive Youth Development, “PYD” is an approach that incorporates the development of skills, opportunities and authentic relationships into programs, practices and policies, so that young people reach their full potential.

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Community Collaboration

Coalitions take collaborative work.  We engage diverse stakeholders in the community from the school, law enforcement, public health, government, and business sectors.   CTC is a good fit for anyone participating in youth serving organizations or anyone interested in youth wellbeing.

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Youth Engagement

As the saying goes, nothin about us, with out us.   We engage youth in our initiative to build a healthy positive youth environment.   CTC is  a platform for youth voice to see change in their community, provide opportunities toward collaboration. Learn more about the H.U.B.B. an active community youth group that is Helping Us Break Boredom!

Join Us!

Interested in joining the coalition or wanting to learn more about CTC efforts? Email Cat at

Voyager Youth Program
Contact Us

(970) 626-4279

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280 N. Cora St., Ridgway, CO 81432 | PO Box 709

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